A couple of years ago I got this lovely blanket as a Christmas gift from a friend. There wasn't anything overly special about it - other than it was soft and smushy and felt good wrapped around me on the couch. Oh, and it was red. And I like red. So that was cool too.

Over the years, the red blanket has moved from the couch to my bed. Mostly because I have a dark green couch - and the red blanket was making it look like I was celebrating Christmas all year long - but also because it's soft and smushy and feels good wrapped around me - so I thought it would serve a good role in my bed.

I was right.

Every night, winter or summer, I put my red blanket over me and snuggle in.

Then I took some stupid pills and screwed the whole thing.

Let's set the scene. My husband had gone out of town, which isn't too terribly out of the ordinary, but this trip was a LONG one, and about five days into the trip my daughter started to lose her shit. Sleeping was not happening. Eating was not happening. Smiling was never going to happen again. EVER. So, in a moment of panic and sheer exhaustion, I offered the Red Magic Blanket if she would just shut up and go to bed.

Now we're six months later - and she asks for the Magic Blanket every night before bed. And every night I give it to her. And every night at MY bedtime, I sneak back into her room and take it back.

I told her this morning that maybe Santa would bring her her very own magic blanket...Her response...

"No, just have him bring one for you. I have one."


Carolyn...Online said...

Yeah, you should just go ahead and treat yourself because the magic blanket will never ever be yours again. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that blanket is lost to you forever. Unless Santa brings her one with her favorite character on it. Good luck!

Sam said...

ha ha - how is it that children manage to steal what belongs to their parents!! I used to do it all the time!!

miko564 said...

Would it be wrong for me to suggest you just tell her the blanket is haunted?

Just put some spooky voices on tape, and play it as soon as she takes the blanket in her room. When the blanket leaves her room, the voices stop. You get your blanket back, your daughter needs some therapy...fair trade.

Cant Hardly Wait said...

Ahh, she pulled a fast one on ya. You'll probably never get it back. Might as well go get you a new one!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to find out what kind of pills you took...


DKC said...

I'm with the crowd here, you are not getting that one back. Doesn't it suck to share sometimes?

Sandy said...

Okay - first I need to know more about this blanket. I'm sure that Santa needs to bring me a magic blanket but I need to know exactly what to ask for. And as I recall, while red is a color that you like, it does not fit well into your daughter's bedroom color scheme. Maybe you can get yours back by getting her one that matches her room, making it much more magic. And it might be so magic it would stay in the room all night!