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There was a time, in my youth, that the time I had to get up in the morning for work was not necessarily as important as how much fun I was having at that particular time.

If a hot guy from across the bar was making googly eyes at me....or a really great song was on the dance floor....or a good conversation was being had.....a friend was in from out of town....

Hell....I think I called in drunk once because I stayed up too late to watch Miss Universe.

My point is...I'm old now.

I've been discussing with my best friend for the last TWO WEEKS how I was going to manage all the two hour season finales that were coming my way. Specifically the LOST season finale....Because 5 years ago this would have been a non-issue.

I actually turned the tv OFF last night at 10:00....went to bed, and watched the other hour this morning while getting ready for work.

Hello. My Name Is Lame.


Kidsister said...

Shoot! We don't even watch TV... EVER!


Aunt Becky said...

Bwahahahaha! I'm lame too!

DKC said...

Not only am I also cut of the same lame cloth - I just can't even commit to any series shows anymore. Last time I tried was the first season of Heroes.


Big Kahuna said...

I'm glad that I'm not as old as you ...

Aunt Juicebox said...

I dvr everything now, and never watch anything at the time it's actually on. Then I can watch it when I want, and can fast forward the commercials. I've gotten so used to it, I try to fast forward them when I'm watching live tv!

mumma boo said...

I just watched the ER season finale last week. It originally aired in the beginning of April. I've got over a month's worth of Rescue Me to watch. The Bones season finale? Yup that's waiting for me, too. Sheesh. I need a nap. :)