
Creativity - Part 2 Stumble Upon Digg It! Add to Delicious Add to Technorati


Shortly after my previous post on losing track of my crafty side - I made some big decisions.

The 'office' space I have - just wasn't going to work. Unfortunately - for me to move out of that room, basically meant that every other room in the house also had to be shifted.

So, my craft room is being moved down to the basement, the babies room is now going to be the largest of the guest rooms and her room will be the guest room.

Hubby - not happy.

We've successfully moved all my crap down to the basement...maybe except for a few odds and ends. An "L" shaped desk, three bookcases, all the computer equipment, all the craft supplies and a big honking chair. Other than the sweat that day produced - I also was able for the first time to figure out how to "use my legs & not my back". However, I think I'm going to go back to using my back. There are leg muscles that are still hurting six days later - Muscles I didnt' even know I had.

Once that was finished - and although not anywhere close to being put together and neat - I went back upstairs to survey what I had.....Hmmmm.....More issues.

When we bought this house and moved in - the room we put her in was ironically already a little girl color. A real pretty lavender. So - easy enough - didn't have to worry about that now did I? Her furniture which I painted about three years ago went great - and the 'bed in a bag' that I had ready for her was in fact, lavender and sage green! Brilliant.

Well - the new room is NOT lavender and green. It's kind of a "dirty over time" cream/white thing. Well poop - I can't move her in HERE. I have to paint it!

Off to Home Depot.

And of course - anything worth doing - is worth doing over the top and something that will take a very long time to do. I did not just get one color - I got two.

With all of the projects that one simple "I hate my craft room" has started - He and I are both taking some time off of work the week after next to get this stuff done.

I will say this though - I am SUPER excited about her room. The room she has now is pretty small - so pretty much just holds her bed and furniture. In her new room - she can have her toys, and her little table - with room to spare. And also - space for the Mama chair next to her bed so I can read her stories at night. I'm looking forward to that as well.

Pictures will come - I promise. I don't want to show anyone the half way job....I think it will far more dramatic to see the before and afters.

So - my craft room? Still sucks. But I'll get to that eventually. At least I'm doing something KIND OF creative.


Anonymous said...

I really admire the way you just get right into a job -- No worrying about all the other changes that need to be made as well - just go for it. Hooray for you.