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Originally I had decided not to post anything about Elvis and the 30 year anniversary of his death. I knew it would be overplayed, over talked and other people were going to do a better job than I in discussing the legend that is/was Elvis Presley.

There is no arguing that Elvis, in his own right, is indeed a legend. I was three when he died. (yes, I'm sure to some of you that is disturbing.....) However, I think my age speaks highly of his influence. Maybe it was our parents who forced Elvis on us - or maybe it was truly the greatness that he was that makes me know most of his songs.

Will my daughter, who is 3 now, know Elvis when she's 33? Chances are yes. Probably because I will make sure she does.

Music is important. And in MY family - all sides of my family - It's extremely important. It makes us happy, and it makes us sad. It clearly states what we are thinking because we can not articulate it ourselves. When my Uncle and Grandfather died this last year, there was a song, that every time I heard it, I thought "YES, that is what I'm feeling".

However, the other side of the argument.... Was Elvis so important - such an icon and legend - that still TODAY people are crying and literally DYING over his passing. (check the news - A 67 year old women died of heat while camping out for the Elvis graveside ceremony) In my opinion, no. I've never known of anyone in my lifetime - so amazing, so tremendous a person, so awe inspiring that I would stand and weep, inconsolable for days because I only looked at them.

There are true musical legends in our past. Elvis, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrex, etc. But the point is - every person has their own legend. Maybe Maurice Gibb was your thing...Or Janis Jopllin....Or maybe even Tupac Shukar, Bob Marley, Jerry Garcia, Kurt Cobain, George Harrison, or The Ramones. My brother in law....there is nothing he does not know about The Beatles. But maybe he's not a Johnny Cash fan.

It's odd to know that today - the death of the most popular musical artist would probably be forgotten about in a couple of days. Chances are - the world would not stop. We probably wouldn't make Justin Timberlakes home a SHRINE for the next 30 years.

I have to believe that there is a good and fair middle ground between the two.

However, I'm not arguing that Elvis was not great. I know his music had an effect on many lives, and probably my own, even after his death.

We celebrate the life of Elvis Presley. May those he left behind find happiness in his music.


Anonymous said...

Let it be known by the readers of this blog that the writer never had Elvis "forced on her" by her fraternal unit. He, let it be known by all, was NOT an Elvis fan and even in his youth would not pay to see an Elvis movie.

Unknown said...

Ahem-- " I've never known of anyone in my lifetime - so amazing, so tremendous a person, so awe inspiring that I would stand and weep, inconsolable for days because I only looked at them."-- excuse me? Yes you have-- thank you.-

Also- I like Johnny.