My daughters 3rd birthday is in about a month. I’ve been thinking for a while for a “big” thing that I could get her. She’s getting to an age where tools are bit cooler (i.e. more expensive) and the hazard of choking is a little less.
My mama gave her a couple princess Barbies the other day. She’s never really been into any of the baby dolls that she’s had though—always more prone to building towers with legos—or taking shit apart and putting it back together. So, imagine my surprise that this house has now turned into Barbiepalooza for the last few weeks.
We eat with them, bath with them, sleep with them. They ride in the car and go potty with us. They are with us at all time.
So, Barbie Doll Dream H
ouse was 1st on my list. But the shear magnitude of little itty bitty items that come with that thing is amazing...Choking hazard is LESS but not all together gone. (not to mention that Mattel says Age 6 and up...I’ll trust them)

So, we decide that a HUGE F’ING swing set is the way to go this year.
I’m going to have to buy her a car for her 4th birthday!
I guess I need to tell my husband tonight that this is coming in the mail...and that “some assembly is required”……..
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